Sunday, January 9, 2011

Mac Vs. Windows

Personally, I have to go with Mac, hands down. My beautiful 13" MacBook Pro has never failed on me or slowed down. [Although I HAVE only had it for one year... so it's only expected that it still runs like a champ] Anyways, my review on Mac OS X: everything just simply works. No viruses, malware, etc. And the ease that they put in for making a dual-boot is fantastic! I have a 32GB partition for Windows 7 [though I never use that, since OS X is just so much better]. In fact, when I DO use my Win7 boot, it's just because I need to go on something that only works with PC. For example, Fallout 3. Although I tried to go on that about a week ago, and Windows failed me and it wouldn't load the game.

And although Mac OS X is fantastic, sometimes I do kind of wish that I had bought a Windows laptop only on the basis that it would have saved me about 600 dollars. But I'm not going to sell it; this beast is sure to last me through university.

So what do my fellow bloggers say? Mac or PC? (and why?)


  1. I can't side either way because I have only ever been an owner of a machine running windows ut i hope to buy a Mac next time.

  2. PC, cause when something breaks I don't have to change the whole system.

  3. I enjoy windows simply because I can play pretty much every game on it :)

  4. I'd have to go PC for various reasons
    1) Like Golden Era said, parts are easily self fixed
    2) Cheaper
    3) I believe Win7 is a cleaner/easier to use OS and I appreciate the customizability of it.
    4) It has many more programs
    5) I have a problem with Steve Jobs
    6) There are more but yeah.....

  5. Personally man i like the customization of a PC, but Ive never had a mac honestly, they seem like a solid computer for sure, very graphical and user friendly but i don't agree with the price of them vs the same machine running windows or linux

  6. I have a Windows bias only because I've used one for most of my life. However, I'd like to stay neutral on Mac OS because I don't have enough experience with it to form an opinion that's not short of "LOL MAC IS FOR FAGS". I can't say though that I'm a big fan of their other products (iPods and iPads for example).

  7. PC all the way, it's what I've been using all of my life and what I know how to use

  8. Windowsss, I think its more that i've used it my whole life and don't like change.

  9. mac is better but windows is old school

  10. hm. i want mac..but is too expensive for me atm

  11. I have always used PC, but the mac OS is far superior imo. Apple tend to way overprice the things they make, though. This is why I am planning on a Hackintosh for my next build. Nice post though.

  12. How can you be happy with being restricted to do only 1000000 things with a MAC when you can do an infinite with the PC?

  13. id have to say windows, mainly because i have used one all mu life. However my dad did just win a new macbook air which is sweet! so im kinda on the fence here.

  14. I prefer windows because I find it easier to use, it's very easy to fix a problem, and you can customize the shit out of it.

  15. @Drummerdude, wait so how did your dad win a macbook air?! :O lol i want one...

  16. I tried to swap my HP Pavilion for my fiancee's MacBook Pro. She's got a better right hook than any girl ought to have. Who knew?
