Sunday, February 6, 2011

Mac Problems

So I'm thinking about upgrading my Mac's RAM, it's been running kind of slow lately. Earlier, it pretty much crashed, and I almost lost 3 pages of work on an essay I had been writing, but thankfully Word is pretty cool and saved me on that. But anyways, I've been feeling the creative juices lately, and I think it would be really awesome if I could actually create a sort of tablet or something, but unfortunately I have no knowledge of the hardware of computers. And although I might be able to implement some sort of operating system, that could take awhile; much longer than what I have time for. So for now, I'll just sit along the Seine and just sing, sing, sing...

Why do I get the feeling that one day this will be the face of some sort of robot plan to overthrow the human race? Ehh, probably just because I just watched I, Robot. *shuddah*

Well I'm off to get some sleep. But o hey, just so you guys know, I've had 2 people sign up for freebiejeebies, but it doesn't count for me unless you actually do one of the offers.


  1. maybe it's a vir- oh wait, macs supposedly don't get those.

  2. I'm also a PC

  3. I like blob RESPECT

    fallowing and supporting man

  4. i need to make my computer faster too.

    your friend,

  5. macs are sh*t sorry. Also the logo is 2 men kissing lol.

  6. I've signed up for Freebiejeebies in the past and it ended up as a bust, unfortunately. Hopefully you can get something cool with it. As for creating a new OS, that'd be awesome. I'm currently using a tablet myself and I'm loving it (mine also has touchscreen, so I can finger paint if I wish).

  7. macs make me raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaage

  8. Lol, Macs. Please excuse me while I laugh

  9. I'm a proud Mac user. But no matter what sort of computer you use there will always be frustrating moments. Better not switch sides, Apple is going to rule the world some day and their robots will probably eliminate all pc users who don't convert. :)
    Follow my awesomeness. Http://

  10. PC's all the time for me, due to the much easier options for upgrading XD, hope you get soem ram for it soon bro

    Check by my blog for a nerdy giveaway and a freaky artist

  11. im a pc, never been into apples stuff!


  12. I'm a PC. And I will still be a PC when the iPhone 8's starting raping and killing us all.

  13. I prefer pc but either is fine. I'm not big on gaming or anything so something that works is good.

  14. Once they find that missing mouse button I might buy a Mac... they are cool though

  15. Putting some more RAM in my PC was the greatest thing I ever did to it. Runs a million times better.

    Good luck with the Mac. Don't let Steve Jobs rob you of your soul in the meanwhile (kidding. maybe).

  16. im afraid of steve jobs, so im a pc too.

  17. Heh. I wish I could give you a recommendation, but I know almost nothing about Mac's. Sorry. :/

  18. Aaron. I can't find where your e-mail address is posted, so please contact me at so that we might have a discussion. Thank you.

  19. I've made it a habit to hit Ctrl + S (or Apple + S in your case) after every sentence I write just in case Word isn't there to save my ass :P

  20. I only love apple for the design! Windows on a mac FTW!
    Always supporting,
